Saturday, February 7, 2009

Contentment @ QC Botanical

Let it go on record that in spite of continuing economic and environmental global woes, ours was a day of contentment here in eastern Iowa.
Today was the first day of pseudo-spring, when the weather bats its eyes and flirts, pretending it wouldn’t even think of going all icy and snowy and sub-zero again. In keeping with Kahlil Gibran, who said, “When spring is dancing in the hills, one should not sit in a dark corner,” we drove 25 miles south to the Quad City Botanical Center in Rock Island, Illinois, where we milled around banana plants and bromeliads and listened to soothing sound of a waterfall.
Afterwards we drove to the Davenport side of the Mississippi River and jogged several miles outdoors in the warm 50-degree sun. Ahhhhh. Contentment is now.
Listen to our podcast for a slice of pseudo-spring in Iowa.